Total Medals Earned: 578 (From 81 different games.) Total Medal Score: 8,560 Points
Medals Earned: 1/11 (10/110 points)
You climbed the tower as a knight.
You climbed the tower as a barbarian.
You climbed the tower as a monk.
You climbed the tower as a ninja.
You climbed the tower as a paladin.
You climbed the tower as a priest.
You climbed the tower as a ranger.
You climbed the tower as a sorceress.
You climbed the tower as a thief.
You climbed the tower as a warrior.
You climbed the tower as a wizard.
Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/190 points)
Survive 10 seconds!
Survive 20 seconds
Survive 30 seconds
Survive 40 seconds
Survive 50 seconds
Medals Earned: 5/7 (25/45 points)
Throw up a food item
Bounce on a spring
Push a button
You are dead
Enter the Earth
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/145 points)
Go the minimum speed
Go quickly
Get negative 20 rings
Get 100 rings in a row without missing any
Get negative 50 rings
Get a negative number of rings
Kill 2 enemies as Sonac without touching the ground
Get negative 100 rings or something like come on
Kill 5 bees
You went too quickly
Defeat Mr. Eggs in battle
Kill 3 enemies as Sonac without touching the ground
Medals Earned: 13/24 (175/245 points)
judge 20 souls
Judge 1 soul
First lightning judgement
5th combo
Combo x 4
Put both transporters in lightning mode
Judge 30 souls with lightning power
Kill 60 red souls
Kill 1st evil soul
Judge 100 souls
Judge 100 souls with lightning power
Combo x 8
Combo x 12
Answer 5 phone calls
5 correct answers for mails
10 correct answer for mails
Catch 10 fugitive souls
Medals Earned: 6/12 (85/250 points)
You made it through the morning shift!
You're over the hump!
You made it! Now time for be-ew-ti-ful dreams.
You've learned the fine art of the rebound. Or just got lucky.
You completed employment mode with 100% security!
You got your first 6 point hit! We're so proud!
You've survived through 5 mascots. OK.
You're getting up there!
You survived 20 psychotic mascots! You're a spiking GOD.
You got mad points with little to work with!
You smashed 50 guys in one game sitting! That's a lot!
Perfect in the monster challenge
Medals Earned: 5/6 (80/180 points)
Kill your enemy
Die 100 times or more
3 star a level
play 16/32 levels
complete all 32 main levels
3 star all levels
Medals Earned: 10/10 (410/410 points)
Complete level 1
Complete level 4
Complete level 3
Complete level 5
Complete level 2
Complete level 6
Complete level 9
Complete level 8
Complete level 7
Complete level 10
Medals Earned: 8/8 (45/45 points)
Finished your first drawing.
Notified someone after taking your turn.
Started a game with a random user.
Found the hidden troll face.
Reach a score of at least 10.
Medals Earned: 2/7 (15/135 points)
Place a bomb on destructible terrain
Upgrade any turret to its maximum
Fully upgrade your armor
Fully upgrade a hand held weapon
Buy all hand held weapons at once
Finish Zach Scrap's Campaign
Last 2 minutes in survival mode